Rational Developer for System z Unit Test
Application Developer's Controlled Distribution (ADCD) z/OS 1.11
Summer 2010
Each of the following DVD's contains a DVD* script. This script will load the contents of that disk to a /z directory. The script is set up to be run under ROOT userid. Sample unload scripts are found in the unzip directory on DVD1.
The DVD packet is organizes as follows:
DVD1 - Base z/OS system volumes
sbres1.gz - SYSRES1
sbres2.gz - SYSRES2
sbsys1.gz - IPLPARM, JES2 SPOOL, Storage
sbuss1.gz - Root HFS and related
sbprd1.gz - z/OS product pack
sbprd2.gz - z/OS product pack
sbprd3.gz - z/OS product pack
/unzip directory contains simple scripts for unloading the DVD's
- Sample zpdt devmap
DVD2 Distribution Libs and Stand-alone Res Volume
sbdis1.gz - Distribution Libraries
sbdis2.gz - Distribution Libraries
sbdis3.gz - Distribution Libraries
sbdis4.gz - Distribution Libraries
sbdis5.gz - Distribution Libraries
sbdis6.gz - Distribution Libraries
sares1.gz - standalone res
DVD3 CICS 4.1 and DB2 9.1
sbcic1.gz - CICS 4.1
sbdb91.gz - DB2 9.1
sbdb92.gz - DB2 9.1
sbdb93.gz - DB2 9.1
sbwas1.gz - WAS v7
sbwas2.gz - WAS v7
DVD5 z/OS Management Facility & WAS Volume 3
sbbbn1.gz - zosmf target libs
sbbbn2.gz - zosmf distribution libs
sbwas3.gz - WAS v7
DVD6 IMS Version 11.1
sbims1.gz, sbims2.gz and sbims3.gz
Each DVD contains an /unzip
directory containing sample scripts for unzipping the z/OS volumes.
- Insert each DVD one at a time. In the root directory of each disk you will find a script named dvd* (* is the disk number).
- The dvd* script runs scripts found in the /unzip directory. There is one script in the /unzip directory for each z/OS volume on the DVD.
- If necessary, modify the scripts to point to the correct directories on your system and run each dvd* script to unzip the volumes. You do not need to unzip volumes which contain only subsystems that you will not be using.
- You may need to execute commands similar to the following after the files are unzipped
chmod 755 sb*
chmod 755 sares1
chown ibmsys1:ibmsys sb*
chown ibmsys1:ibmsys sares1
devmap.z111s.txt - sample zpdt devmap
The sample devmap assumes that you unzipped all z/OS volumes. If you did not unzip all of the volumes, remove or comment out the unavailable disks in the devmap.